Monday, December 31, 2007


The word has really been tossed around a lot in recent Christmas Seasons. Resolution - it used to have a different meaning. If you ask a person today about their resolution, they'll probably tell you 7.1 or 12.0 if they're really into technology.

But I'm thinking more classic. I'm wondering what an appropriate resolution would be for this next step in my life. Because as far as I'm concerned a New Years Resolution should be more important than "I'll eat less fatty foods" or "I'll try to kick my habits."

My resolution is going to be something more. Maybe I'll try to be less materialistic. Maybe I should become more professional. I might try living healthier. Maybe I'll commit to update this page/ stay in touch more with friends and family? I could even think about settling down. Maybe I'll chastise those celeb-hungry people for their obsessions. I could become politically active instead of just vocal. Who knows? Any ideas?

What will your NYE 2008 promise be? What will you improve on. Anyone with Rogan blood must know there's always rooms for at least an ounce of improvement.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!

I'm sorry I have been away from this blog for a very long while. Bryan, I first want to say how thankful I am to you for continuing to hope our family members will take the time during their very hectic lives to drop a line and say hi once in awhile. Unfortunately, I can only assume that either they have nothing to say or that they are just too busy. Well, I just wanted to say that I am thankful for all my family members and wish them health during 2008. I have enjoyed many happy memories that we all helped to create this past year and hope that they will continue to be created either together as a group or individually. Don't be shy gang let's share our fun times or any interesting tid bit of information that you feel we would all like to know. I have really enjoyed the postings and hope they will continue. As for the Kalberer family, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family and look forward to spending some time together during the Christmas season. Bryan, Dan, Jeanne and hopefully Jennie will be coming up to Ct., as they have been doing for the past 6 years on Christmas Eve. We go to mass together as a family and come home to feast on prime ribs. Then we usually make our way to the tree to open our presents. I have so much to be grateful for this year and I thank God for all he has given me .I pray that each of you will be able to say the same. Hey Smith family...what plans do you guys have for this Christmas season???

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Body of War

My Friend worked on this project should be a great movie. I'll post more about the release date when I know more. This is certainly an Oscar Contender.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Please Read

Here's something that many may have read this before:

This isn't a request for money. It's not about Politics or Religion. This is just a call to our senses to listen before we speak.

Please take a minute to print out, put it up on your refrigerator and read it when you get a chance.
-- It might brighten your day.