Monday, December 31, 2007


The word has really been tossed around a lot in recent Christmas Seasons. Resolution - it used to have a different meaning. If you ask a person today about their resolution, they'll probably tell you 7.1 or 12.0 if they're really into technology.

But I'm thinking more classic. I'm wondering what an appropriate resolution would be for this next step in my life. Because as far as I'm concerned a New Years Resolution should be more important than "I'll eat less fatty foods" or "I'll try to kick my habits."

My resolution is going to be something more. Maybe I'll try to be less materialistic. Maybe I should become more professional. I might try living healthier. Maybe I'll commit to update this page/ stay in touch more with friends and family? I could even think about settling down. Maybe I'll chastise those celeb-hungry people for their obsessions. I could become politically active instead of just vocal. Who knows? Any ideas?

What will your NYE 2008 promise be? What will you improve on. Anyone with Rogan blood must know there's always rooms for at least an ounce of improvement.

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