Monday, December 31, 2007


The word has really been tossed around a lot in recent Christmas Seasons. Resolution - it used to have a different meaning. If you ask a person today about their resolution, they'll probably tell you 7.1 or 12.0 if they're really into technology.

But I'm thinking more classic. I'm wondering what an appropriate resolution would be for this next step in my life. Because as far as I'm concerned a New Years Resolution should be more important than "I'll eat less fatty foods" or "I'll try to kick my habits."

My resolution is going to be something more. Maybe I'll try to be less materialistic. Maybe I should become more professional. I might try living healthier. Maybe I'll commit to update this page/ stay in touch more with friends and family? I could even think about settling down. Maybe I'll chastise those celeb-hungry people for their obsessions. I could become politically active instead of just vocal. Who knows? Any ideas?

What will your NYE 2008 promise be? What will you improve on. Anyone with Rogan blood must know there's always rooms for at least an ounce of improvement.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!

I'm sorry I have been away from this blog for a very long while. Bryan, I first want to say how thankful I am to you for continuing to hope our family members will take the time during their very hectic lives to drop a line and say hi once in awhile. Unfortunately, I can only assume that either they have nothing to say or that they are just too busy. Well, I just wanted to say that I am thankful for all my family members and wish them health during 2008. I have enjoyed many happy memories that we all helped to create this past year and hope that they will continue to be created either together as a group or individually. Don't be shy gang let's share our fun times or any interesting tid bit of information that you feel we would all like to know. I have really enjoyed the postings and hope they will continue. As for the Kalberer family, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family and look forward to spending some time together during the Christmas season. Bryan, Dan, Jeanne and hopefully Jennie will be coming up to Ct., as they have been doing for the past 6 years on Christmas Eve. We go to mass together as a family and come home to feast on prime ribs. Then we usually make our way to the tree to open our presents. I have so much to be grateful for this year and I thank God for all he has given me .I pray that each of you will be able to say the same. Hey Smith family...what plans do you guys have for this Christmas season???

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Body of War

My Friend worked on this project should be a great movie. I'll post more about the release date when I know more. This is certainly an Oscar Contender.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Please Read

Here's something that many may have read this before:

This isn't a request for money. It's not about Politics or Religion. This is just a call to our senses to listen before we speak.

Please take a minute to print out, put it up on your refrigerator and read it when you get a chance.
-- It might brighten your day.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

turkey & tryptophan

So after 4 straight meals of Turkey+ I'd say I'm sworn off the stuff till at least Christmas.

  1. What are YOU doing to for Christmas and New Years?
  2. I remember those times when we'd all go around and say what we were thankful for on Thanksgiving. I'd have to say I'm thankful to be home in sweet relaxing Brooklyn after 3 days of partying in CT with Dan and a Turkey Bowl in Carle Place. SO what are YOU thankful for?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Have You Seen These People...................

Me and "Dumber Than Corn" enjoying the scenic lower Hudson Valley on October 11th.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

halloween jokes

here a few halloween jokes to get us in the holiday spirit:

1. why didnt the skeleton go to the dance?
he had no body to go with!!!!

2. why did the ghost have to wear a bra?
she had booooobies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. what is a vampires favorite dessert?
boooberry pie & icescream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, October 15, 2007

Math vaccine...

Preface: When Koreans translate their language into English, for whatever purpose be it an advertisement, music lyrics, or an official proclomation, they usually end up directly translating without adding any articles and you end up with what is essentially Konglish.

I was walking through the streets of Jin Ju this weekend when I stumbled across a poster on the side of one of the buildings which was advertising a math vaccine. Now I couldn't know if this was actually some miracle product or the result of a poor translation, but it sure got me thinking. What the hell kind of a doctor would stick you with a math vaccine? Would there be any side effects? But most importantly, would the vaccine enhance your mathematical genius or, and I really hope this is the case, does the vaccine make you immune to math? How cool would that be, if you were free from the metaphysical shackles of math? Numbers would just bounce off of you like you were rubber. You could walk up to the check out, holding hundreds of dollars worth of groceries, hand the poor sap at the register a fiver, and walk right out the door whistling dixie, because what the hell do you care if you just stiffed the guy a couple hundred, you're math-proof.

Yes, this really is how my brain works.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bro - Phone

This is the Bro-phone; aptly named b/c it acts as the line of communication b/w our two apartments. Dan and I each have one and we can use them up to one mile away. Luckily Dan's new apartment is so close or the Bro-phone would not work. That's right, Dan has managed to feign originality by joining Jeanne and I in Park Slope BK. Isn't that cute? Please contact me for more information concerning bro-phone use, protocol for communication or housing advice. Thank You.

Yanks and Sweeds

Hey - Sucks about the Yankees did you see those bugs during game two? Crazy! They should have called that game on account of bugs.

I have my forth Softball game tomorrow night at 9:00 - I won't be home till midnight but it should be a good time. We're 3-0 right now! I'm #63 - my dad's HS football #. Same # as our Merrick house #.

Secondly, A New Swedish study has found further evidence of tumors resulting from cell phone use. The report studied the use of cell phones by consumers over a 10 year period. Anyway here's two links if you want to know more. -- Just another thing to worry about.

Click Here or This Story

What's new people? Everyone seemed all gun-ho and ready for communication. Cat gotcha tongue?

So I'm on this page too!

Whats goin family? I'm here in Brooklyn right now and I have a bunch of stuff in the works. I don't want to jinx any thing so I'll let everyone know how these "things" go as they unfold. To anyone who wants to here the studio album I put together at the end of the summer here it as that. Give it a listen and I hope you enjoy it. I would really like to see as much family as possible this holiday season. My favorite things to do include relaxing. I'd love to.......... Watch Football games, go skiing, eat food and do nothing, and a whole bunch of other cold weather activities with the family. If anyone is interested in attending any of my shows in NY they'll be posted on the myspace page. I hope everyone is doing great. I look forward to taking a breath away from the big city soon and seeing some fam. Peace

Friday, October 05, 2007

Dan's Gig in NYC

Hey Guys- Unfortunately I can not get down to New York this weekend. I am having company in from Rochester. I am really upset I won't be able to get there so would someone please take some pix and let us know how he does.... I know he'll be great as usual.. If you find out when his next gig is ...please post on blog asap...that way we can all try to make plans to see him. Possibly fit in dinner at Sean Roger's restaurant if possible. Have a great weekend...Joni..let us know how Corrie made out with her surgery.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

No I'm not a Rogan, but........

.......evidently my definition of family is broader and less judgmental than yours and is no reason for such a mean spirited posting like that. I've learned over the years that at the end of the day, all you really have is memories and family. Jobs, houses, friends, and almost everything else in life comes and goes, but family is family and memories are yours to cherish or stew bitterly over.

I forgive your comments because you are family to me and I hope that whatever is driving you to these self-destructive thoughts can be worked out so you can appreciate your family for what they are: you only family. You have my number and email, if you ever want to talk, I'd be glad to hear from you.

Cousin John (yea, family)

Friday, September 28, 2007

Great Family!


All these happy pictures and funny stories... the love of a real family.
Must be nice.

But why "The Rogan Room" and not the McKenna, or Kalberer, or Melnick, or Herby Room?
Besides John, none of you are Rogans. Hmmm....

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beware- I have finally arrived

OK took me a while but I finally managed to break through. I hope this works now...if it does...someone needs to write me back ..
John ....does your son John have an email address...maybe you could ask him if he would like to join us as know me the more the merrier.
Tim...I showed Uncle Kenny your story and he could not stop laughing...any more funny ones to share with us? I am really happy my son came up with this that I know how to post messages, he will need to show me how I do the picture thing...nothing really too new with that I am "childless" I don't know what to do with myself....I know that this is a new stage of my life but it came on pretty damn fast.....well maybe I'll start visiting Border's Books and hang out at the coffee bar...oh my God do I sound old now!!!! Hey..Danny has his first official gig in NYC tonight...I will let you all know how he does....hopefully he will start posting stuff to this blog as well.....I'll bug him


Friday, September 14, 2007

Joni, here's the brain trust you talked about.........

Please add Kevin

since we dont live together, perhaps we could stay in touch this way. . Is technology amazing? Now we're even talking to our nephew and cousin in Korea! How crazy is that? Proud of you Master Tim, remember when you come back to the states to go to law school here on the East Coast ok? Youll make us all so PUCKING proud :)

PS Bryan, thanx for that lovely photo. Now the family members probably think I pole dance at mental institutions!!!!!


As my mom said in her epic update, I am working in Suwon South Korea as a middle school english teacher. My transition has been mostly smooth, but there have been a few moments when I found myself wondering “just what the hell have I gotten myself into?”
If any of you have ever spoken with an Asian who learned English as a second language then you will know that they have a difficult time pronouncing certain letters; most prominently S, F, P, R, and L. The following is a conversation I had with one of my Korean co-workers just last week. His English is a bit...interesting.

The scene: I am approaching the entrance to my school, which is located on floors 4-7 in a nine story office building, when I come across Atom, one of the school’s employees, is wearing slacks, a blue dress shirt, and for unknown reasons a flamboyant sash across his chest.

Me: Hi there Atom. What are you up to?

Atom: I am f***ing.

Me: (Having stopped walking, stunned) I’m sorry I didn’t hear you right, what are you doing?

Atom: (More slowly, so that I could better understand him)***ing...right over there. (He points around the corner)

Now I will be the first to admit that I don’t quite have a firm grasp on Korean culture quite yet but I just could not believe that Atom had just finished copulating around that corner...

Me: Who were you f***ing?

Atom: The parents of the students. I am f***ing them. Helping them f**k.

Me: (dumbfounded) You were f***ing multiple people...just now?

Atom: Yes. There is more f***ing in basement and in back.

Me: (warily) So have you been doing this for while now?

Atom: Yes. I have f***ing all morning. F***ing this car, that car, all car. Always car.

Me: (Realizing what the hell he has been talking about) You mean you have been PARKING cars all morning? Helping the parents park their cars?

Atom: Yes. I am f***ing. Must go. More parents need more f***ing.

This is my life in Korea.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bursting with Fun.

Here's the FUN FUN FUN. Jeanne, Kevin, Karin, and I just relaxing on New England's Oldest Roller Coaster. The Lake Compounce family theme park was chock full of fun when a dozen of us hit the scene last month. The real show stoppers were those plump CT women in their skin tight outfits with a seemingly endless supply of cellulose to flaunt about.

Also... #269 was an important number. That was the Coaster Photo that displayed the women in the coaster car in front of us. Her breast happened to burst onto the scene in a moment of pure adrenaline. While she wasn't too concerned that her breast was exposed at the Park's Coaster Photo kiosk, she refused to allow Kevin or I to purchase an 8x10 or even a wallet sized print. Sadness...

In order to Post

First a wonderful Picture of my Real-Estate-Selling-IV-Pole-Dancing-Godmommy...

In order to post instead of just "comment" you must be invited. So if there are other folks you want me to include as Blog Authors please send me their email address. Thanks.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I too am a virgin

at this blogging stuff. Susie, it was the WTR white trash reunion, not the WTFU I think that was next door to us at the "What The FU--?" reunion, you must have gotten confused.

I have nothing exciting or of any significance to write about. As most of you know by now the real estate market has bottomed out, so I have turned to nude dancing at nite for extra money. Dont be surprised.

I dance at nursing homes.To them I STILL look firm and sexy. And there is no need to bring a pole to grind up and down on, I just use the i.v.poles.
They expect the housing market to pick up again in 2009. So thats cool. That's practically around the corner.

Amy is in Athens studying micro-biology, and Corrie is in Northern Uganda with the Peace Corps.

No actually they're just both down the hall sleeping and dreaming about using my credit cards to get their nails done tomorrow. But I just get sick of all you guyz' kids being ambassadors and brain surgeons and shit.

Hey, heres a bit of good news. Speaking of the Cape trip. Those of you that were there may recall how crooked and twisted Corries spine was. A 62 degree scoliosis curve to be exact. Well August of last Summer she had a surgery to straigten her spine with a titnium rod. HORRIBLE ordeal, BUT we just had her 1 yr post op visit in Philly this week and she now has only a 20 degree curve. Incredible, since they had told us to only hope for a 50% improvement.

Hey cousin John, saw your new photo. A M A Z I N G!!!!! Even Corrie couldnt get over it. Keep up the good work. Susan, keep your eye on him, he's looking awfully HOT!!!!!

Hey Godson, Bryan, hope the new school year is off to a good start. Would love to come into the city (with Corrie who idolizes the fact that youre a teacher) and watch you teach one day.

Love to all of you.

Joni :)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

a new season is here, sunday football from 1:00-11:00pm all day football who could ask for anything better. and a new season for fireman ed and his brother leading the jets crowd in their famous cheer---how does that go now, oh right everyone now lets say it together

J-E-T-S SUCK,SUCK,SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here he is.

It's great to have some military representing the Rogans. Here's someone else that served honorably. I think... all I have is a photo.

With September 11th arriving in a few days people tend to give a little more lip-service to our troops. I wonder how many flags and ribbons will be out in honor. What will media coverage be like? As time has passed by, Americans seem to push pass the promise of "We will never forget."

How will YOU honor the day? I hope to do some work with my 7th Graders. It's strange when the Anniversary comes around - many of my NYC students tend to ignore it. And their understanding of the tragedy is even scarier. "Iraq bombed us," "Bush did it," "Osama bin Laden was President of Iraq," "I heard that the USA paid Saddam to do it." Ohhhh misconceptions...

FR Smith, John F.

Here is FR Smith, John F. at completion of boot camp.

I started on the Cape Cod CD and will be done soon. I ordered every family an 8x10 of the "gang" shown above. You will have it in about two weeks.

John joined the Navy to be a submariner, therefore he's in Groton, CT to learn his trade. He did his boot camp at Great Lakes, near Chicago. He will be in Groton for about six months and then off to another sub-base in the Gulf area, Alabama I think. His address is:

FR Smith, John F.
Navel Submarine School
P.O. Box 700 #455
Groton, CT 06349-5700

Write him even if it's short, you know how servicemen love mail call. I write short and often (it's easier than writing epic letters and getting writers block) I write everyday happenings, it helps them feel closer to home.

And Susie, what you wrote was just the perfect length..................................................

Friday, September 07, 2007

new family

OK, like Gail, this is new to me........where are my kids when I need them?

1.) on his own.......(24)....working in Eden Prairie, MN, for an insurance benefits/manager/provider/software company.....and loving it..........
2.) Tim..........(22) on his own.........working in Suwon, Korea, (a suburb of Seoul with a population over a million people and a Cost Co, Houlihans, and McDonald's) for an academy that helps teach Korean students English after him a chance to get more international experience before he decides his next wonderful step in life.....Tim Herby []
3.) Cait......(18) on her a freshman at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, majoring today, in business, and loving being away from mom and dad...(OK, it's only 2 and 1/2 hours but it feels like light years because we don't know how to do anything with our electronics without her help (play a DVD, program our phones, or fix the computer..)

thanks, Bryan, for setting this up for us......

hey, john, any pictures or CD from the WTFU at Cape Cod 06?......Caitlin keeps asking...I didn't bring my camera but I have great memories............Y0U look fantastic in the picture.........and I am so happy for the birth of your grandchild. Please, tell us more about Jon joining the Navy..........

if anyone would like Tim's address in Korea, I know he would love to hear from you:

Tim Herby at
Avalon Education
Suwon Campus
Wooman-Dong 561-15
Sangan B/D 5F
Paldal-Gu, Suwon City
South Korea
Zip :442-819

did I write too much for my very first blog????see I don't know the etiquette and I don't have anyone at home to teach me....sorry....

The Smith Side of the Family

Our Pirate Party August 18th and as you can see our side of the family has no issues either.

OK Rogans

I'm in, so watch out! Great idea thought.
my first blog im soo excited about this--this was a very cool idea. just trying this out to see if i got the hang of it. talk to soon-gail;)

Hi Family

Joni and I thought it would be fun to use the internet to keep open the lines of communication.

I protested because this family has no problems with communication!

But here's our new blog. Please use it to add updates, communicate, spread joy, or keep up the tradition of verbal abuse and harrassment. It's ours to mold and do with what we please.

Email me if you have questions.
or call my cell. 203-915-6524