Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bro - Phone

This is the Bro-phone; aptly named b/c it acts as the line of communication b/w our two apartments. Dan and I each have one and we can use them up to one mile away. Luckily Dan's new apartment is so close or the Bro-phone would not work. That's right, Dan has managed to feign originality by joining Jeanne and I in Park Slope BK. Isn't that cute? Please contact me for more information concerning bro-phone use, protocol for communication or housing advice. Thank You.


gtr said...

very cute idea!!!! i wish there were "sis" phones to. but it wouldnt matter anyway because all the sis's are too far away from each other to use such a device. so i guess we'll have to go on useing the tumor causesing devices=how if we had only known this years ago, maybe we all wouldnt have moved so far away from each other. but then again we all started out on l.i and im the only one left here, so that makes me the onlyone who didnt move away from my sis's --they moved away from me. oh well "if we had only known".

Linda said...

if we had only known who the funniest sister amongst all of us truely was...we would probably not wasted our time on building up Joni's sense of humor so much....you are really a trip..ha ha ha