Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Yanks and Sweeds

Hey - Sucks about the Yankees did you see those bugs during game two? Crazy! They should have called that game on account of bugs.

I have my forth Softball game tomorrow night at 9:00 - I won't be home till midnight but it should be a good time. We're 3-0 right now! I'm #63 - my dad's HS football #. Same # as our Merrick house #.

Secondly, A New Swedish study has found further evidence of tumors resulting from cell phone use. The report studied the use of cell phones by consumers over a 10 year period. Anyway here's two links if you want to know more. -- Just another thing to worry about.

Click Here or This Story

What's new people? Everyone seemed all gun-ho and ready for communication. Cat gotcha tongue?


Linda said...

That is why Chubb will not and has never written any commercial line product that had anything to do with cell phones. Reason...after careful study we feel that eventually this could be as big a class action suit as tobacco use....

gtr said...

tumors or not linda, remember to have your bluetooth charged and with you at all times and use it!:)