Tuesday, October 09, 2007

So I'm on this page too!

Whats goin family? I'm here in Brooklyn right now and I have a bunch of stuff in the works. I don't want to jinx any thing so I'll let everyone know how these "things" go as they unfold. To anyone who wants to here the studio album I put together at the end of the summer here it is....www.myspace.com/danmelnick....easy as that. Give it a listen and I hope you enjoy it. I would really like to see as much family as possible this holiday season. My favorite things to do include relaxing. I'd love to.......... Watch Football games, go skiing, eat food and do nothing, and a whole bunch of other cold weather activities with the family. If anyone is interested in attending any of my shows in NY they'll be posted on the myspace page. I hope everyone is doing great. I look forward to taking a breath away from the big city soon and seeing some fam. Peace


B-Mel said...

Oh Dan you really are my shining star. One day... I just know we'll see your name in lights. "Start spreading the news..."

Linda said...

Dan--if its not too much trouble...can you list your gig dates on this blog as well...please..thanks love mom

gtr said...

hey dan,sounds like life in the big city is treating you good so far. you sound like your doing really well. can't talk for both of us but i know my football team sucks big time this year. now i can only hope for the #1 pick next year. can't wait to see you over the holidays-take care of yourself,and be carefull. love aunt gail