Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beware- I have finally arrived

OK took me a while but I finally managed to break through. I hope this works now...if it does...someone needs to write me back ..
John ....does your son John have an email address...maybe you could ask him if he would like to join us as know me the more the merrier.
Tim...I showed Uncle Kenny your story and he could not stop laughing...any more funny ones to share with us? I am really happy my son came up with this that I know how to post messages, he will need to show me how I do the picture thing...nothing really too new with that I am "childless" I don't know what to do with myself....I know that this is a new stage of my life but it came on pretty damn fast.....well maybe I'll start visiting Border's Books and hang out at the coffee bar...oh my God do I sound old now!!!! Hey..Danny has his first official gig in NYC tonight...I will let you all know how he does....hopefully he will start posting stuff to this blog as well.....I'll bug him


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