Saturday, September 08, 2007

Here he is.

It's great to have some military representing the Rogans. Here's someone else that served honorably. I think... all I have is a photo.

With September 11th arriving in a few days people tend to give a little more lip-service to our troops. I wonder how many flags and ribbons will be out in honor. What will media coverage be like? As time has passed by, Americans seem to push pass the promise of "We will never forget."

How will YOU honor the day? I hope to do some work with my 7th Graders. It's strange when the Anniversary comes around - many of my NYC students tend to ignore it. And their understanding of the tragedy is even scarier. "Iraq bombed us," "Bush did it," "Osama bin Laden was President of Iraq," "I heard that the USA paid Saddam to do it." Ohhhh misconceptions...

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